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April 16, 2020

Corona Files: It's about your health

Corona Files: It's about your health

We have a very informative show for you! Our  first guest r Lakeisha Alston is a survivor of the dreadful COVID-19. She spoke about her dianosis and the road to recovery. Followed by Nathaniel Jordan "The Minister of Wellness"  who is a keynote speaker on Health and Wellness and a Nationally Certified Health Coach! He discussed healthy strategies to protect your body from the virus and that can provide wellness advice to those who are looking to improve their immune system during these crucial times. Super foods you may have never even heard about as well as stuff you should avoid to keep your body strong with this virus floating around. Healthy living should be the goal for us all right?

We look forward to providing you all this information to help keep everyone safe and prepared during this pandemic!!

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