we're talking about manifestation and what we attract to our lives. How does our subconscious thoughts produce real situations in our conscious lives. What do you feel you deserve in life, do you believe it? Join us only on t...
Are you who you are meant to be, or are you faking it until you make it? Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. Join us on the next Sanity Check as we talk about being your a...
Personal development is closely linked to self-awareness. It gives you the opportunity to take an honest look at the areas of your life that need improvement. What would you like to improve? Join us on the Sanity Check to dis...
Superpowers are not just reserved for the Avengers. We all have at least one. You are probably “good” at a wide variety of things. But, there is *something, that you are REALLY good at! Something you do better than 90% of the...
Our minds are constantly filtering and bringing to your attention information that affirms your preexisting beliefs (this is known in psychology as confirmation bias) as well as presenting you with repeated thoughts and impul...
Emotionally Unavailable describes someone who is not open to discussing or sharing their feelings. They can be evasive, flaky, or hard to read. "They're scared of intimacy" Are you struggling with that? Join us to discuss! Fo...
There's so many things that we let prevent us from being the best version of ourselves. The question is, are you in your own way? Join us as we talk about it! Follow us on FB at www.facebook.com/sanitycheckks and on Instagram...
Helping can be defined as doing something for another in situations where they truly can't help themselves. On the other hand, enabling is doing something for a person who is totally capable of doing things for themselves. Ho...
Happiness isn’t something that someone gives us, nor is it something that we have to have permission for. Happiness is a state of mind that is created from within. Join us as we give you tools to keep a smile on your face. Fo...
This is the time of the year that many of us celebrate things and people in our lives that we are thankful for. Can we show gratitude throughout the year? Join us to find out how on the next Sanity Check. Follow us on FB at w...
Did you know that the first 20 minutes of waking up can shape the rest of your day? On the next Sanity Check, we're going to give you statements to start your week off in the right direction! Follow us on FB at www.facebook.c...
We’ve all heard the words (or had someone throw them at us), “Just put it behind you and move on”, but when someone has really hurt us, as in properly cut us to the quick, a simple I’m sorry is not good enough. It may make th...
How does your love one KNOW that you love them? Sometimes we think we are expressing love when it might not be received that way. Follow us on FB at www.facebook.com/sanitycheckks and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/ignited...
This week we took it a step further with understanding what confirmation biases can do to us mentally and physically. Join us as we talked about the different types of biases that maybe effecting us today. Thanks to our spons...
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. Are you falling into your own confirmation bias trap?
Join us to talk...
We want the best for our children, so we pass on family values and morals. Sometimes we pass on emotions that we haven't quite dealt with ourselves. Join us as we dive in the conversation of passing on emotions. Our Sponsors ...
Last week's topic about friends was so good, we decided to continue the conversation. Check out the latest episode as we talk about toxic friends and what holding on to them can do to your body! Sponsored by www.catertomom.co...
Not all friends are created equal. Some are there to help you, and some aren't.The next Sanity Check we'll discuss the different types of friends that we have in our circle. Sponsored By: Provident Place Home Health provident...
It's easy to take this gift called life for granted. We tend to focus on opportunities missed and unfortunate situations as a barometer for our happiness. We will explore how you can use your adversity to your advantage. Join...
2020 has been full of sorrow, and death. From Covid-19, fires, to civil unrest. How do you deal with grief? Join us as we give skills that can help you finish this year off strong! Follow us Live on FB- facebook.com/sanityche...